Plug-and-Play Detectors for Other GCs

pulsed discharge detectors

Pulsed Discharge Detector Model D-4 is single mode, optimized for trace level work in the helium photoionization mode. Versions are available for easy installation on the Varian 3800; Shimadzu 14, 17, 2010, and 2014; ThermoFinnigan Trace, Mega, and Top; and Hewlett Packard 5890.

With the exceptions of the universal version and the HP 5890 version, the detectors use the FID electrometer of the existing GC.

Specialized detector for: VAC Product No.
HP 5890 110 D-4-I-HP58
230 D-4-I-HP58-220
Shimadzu GC 14* 110 D-4-I-SH14-R
230 D-4-I-SH14-R-220
Shimadzu GC 17, 2010, 2014* 110 D-4-I-SH17-R
230 D-4-I-SH17-R-220
Thermo Trace GC*
Not suitable for models with iConnect system,
e.g., Trace 1300, Trace 1600.
110 D-4-I-TQ-R
230 D-4-I-TQ-R-220
Varian 3800* 110 D-4-I-VA38-R
230 |D-4-I-VA38-R-220|
All other GCs 110 D-4-I
230 D-4-I-220

* Uses the existing GC FID electrometer